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Jack Nicholson | Films | Rankings | Hollywood
The Joy of Disagreement
Finding New Favorites and Overrated Picks in Best-of Lists
I confess.
I am a member of the “I love disagreeing with best-of lists” club, and I was thrilled to come across yet another ranking of the best movies from an actor I like. Because who doesn’t love getting worked up over the choices made by someone else?
Sometimes, this does not happen.
As I scrolled through the list, I was eagerly anticipating the self-righteous disappointment that comes with finding the most hyped role (good, but definitely overrated) at number one. But to my surprise, it was only ranked at a fairly-high-but-rightfully-not-on-top 6th place.
Just in time to make me realize that one of my favourite ones, one of the few movies that made me shed a tear, had yet to be mentioned. I found it later on the 3rd spot.
And my choice for the top, well, exactly at the top.
So I did find myself intrigued by the film ranked at number two. It must be pretty good if it’s ranked so highly.
Which is your favourite one? And the most overrated one? Any hidden jewel that didn’t make it to the list?